/’Radio DeeJay/

The new season of “Citofonare Passoni – Sanremo Kermesse”, hosted by Diego Passoni and Cristina Bugatty, was held in February 2021 in Milan. The social format that comments one of the most popular Italian TV shows, the Sanremo festival, in a funny but also professional and technical way.

In addition to Diego, Cristina and Maestro Luca Jurman, the cast consisted of Nancy Brilli, Paolo Stella, Andrea Pinna, Stefano Guerrera, Pierluca Mariti, Marcello Franca, Alessandra Gallocchio, Mattia Ferrari.

Given the hybrid nature of the event, our team made the interaction amongst on-site and online speakers possible. In this occasion, we went live on the Radio DEEJAY Facebook page and on Diego Passoni’s Instagram account.